
Stryker Hip Lawsuits Continue

Ishani Dash | Jan 20, 2014

Stryker Hip Lawsuits Continue
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The Stryker Corporation has recalled two of its hip replacement products. The company is facing multiple lawsuits from patients because their devices have caused undue pain and poisoning. The patients believe that Stryker should be held accountable for releasing a product they were not completely sure about into the medical market.

The corporation recalled two implants known as the Rejuvenate and ABG II Modular-Neck Hips Stems. Normally, hip implant devices come in two parts, with a one-piece neck and a stem. The Rejuvenate and the ABG II Modular-Neck Hips Stems System had multiple parts to help aid surgeons and offer more flexibility when it came to the surgery. The Rejuvenate has six stems and sixteen necks, while the ABG II Modular-Neck Hips Stems has eight stems and ten modular necks.

The Stryker Corporation recalled the two devices in 2012 because of reports of corroding and fretting that caused pain and metal poisoning in the patients. The lawsuits claim that:

  • Devices were not properly tested before being released to the public
  • The devices had misleading marketing tactics because it was said to have “the perfect fit” for younger patient, thus leading doctors to believe that it was superior to other implants
  • The system bleeds heavy metals into the body causing poisoning and the destruction of bone and tissue, often times permanent

The patients trusted the company to provide quality equipment to help ease their pain, not cause more. If you or a loved one has received a hip implant utilizing either the Rejuvenate or the ABG II system, call the law offices of Power Rogers. Our experienced personal injury attorneys can help review your case and answer any legal questions you may have. We can help our clients get the justice they deserve.

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