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What are the Causes of Birth Injuries?

On Behalf of | Oct 16, 2015 | Birth Injury, Medical Malpractice

For many soon-to-be-mothers, pregnancy can be both a joyous and scary time. There are so many questions that these women have and getting the answers they need can go a long way towards easing the stress involved. Unfortunately, accidents can happen during the pregnancy or during the labor process and if this causes injuries to the baby or the mother, it can be devastating. Even more unfortunate is the fact that many of the known birth injuries are completely preventable with the proper care and guidance from a physician.

Our birth injury and medical malpractice team at Power Rogers, L.L.P. discusses the common causes of birth injuries and ways in which they can be prevented.

Excessive Use of Forceps During Labor

Forceps can be helpful during the labor process, but if they are used too aggressively, it can harm the baby. This can cause various problems with the baby’s head, shoulder, or brain. Proper, ongoing training regarding the use of forceps can help make sure that physicians know the proper amount of pressure to apply and how to use them appropriately.

Improper Monitoring

Physicians are trusted to properly monitor the mother and baby throughout the pregnancy and make sure there are no irregularities. When this duty goes unfulfilled, it can allow problems with the baby to go unnoticed. Depending on the issue, this can be dangerous to both the baby and mother. Doctors should monitor vital signs closely throughout the pregnancy in order to endure both the mother and baby are healthy.

Failure to Act In a Timely Manner

There are some issues that may occur during pregnancy and labor that require immediate action, such as internal problems or a uterine rupture. When a major problem arises that can threaten the livelihood of the baby or the mother, doctors must act quickly. A C-section may be required or some other procedure in order to alleviate the situation. If the doctor misdiagnosis the problem or simply overlooks it, he or she can be held liable for any damage that occurs as a result.

Oxygen Deprivation

A baby requires oxygen and when something goes wrong — such as an umbilical cord wrapping around the baby — it could possibly cause brain injuries. This is a situation that can be prevented with proper monitoring and making sure there are no issues during the pregnancy or taking quick action after labor.

Birth Injury Lawyer in Chicago, IL

If your baby has suffered an injury as a result of negligence, you may have a medical malpractice claim. At Power Rogers, we are dedicated to helping you fully understand your legal options. You may be able to seek compensation for damages.

Call us today at 312-500-1792 for your free case evaluation.