As discussed in a blog post from last week, the AP has reported that the first lawsuit has been filed relating to the Meningitis Outbreak. On Friday, October 12, the AP reported that a Minnesota woman who is believed to have possibly received tainted steroid injections had taken legal action. These injections are suspected to be the cause of the outbreak of fungal meningitis that has spread to individuals across the country.
The woman has taken steps to sue the seller of the drug despite the fact that she hasn’t been officially diagnosed with the illness yet.
In the suit, the woman alleges that she endured painful headaches and nausea after getting the steroid injections in her neck to help with your chronic back pain. While she noticed symptoms back in September, she didn’t think they were abnormal in any way. Later, she was contacted by the Minnesota Department of Health, who alerted her that the shots she received may have been contaminated. The steroids were sold by a New England Compounding Center.
While this is the very first lawsuit to come forward out of the nationwide outbreak, there will likely be many more cropping up.