Jonathan Thomas joined Power Rogers as a associate in 2011. Mr. Thomas’ primary areas of practice in personal injury matters include; product liability, premises liability, automobile liability, and aviation litigation.
Mr. Thomas was selected to The National Trial Lawyers: Top 40 under 40, a professional organization which requires superior qualifications, trial results, and leadership as a young lawyer.
Mr. Thomas graduated from Loyola University Chicago School of Law in 2011 after earning an undergraduate degree in Business at Cedarville University in 2006. He is admitted to practice law in the State of Illinois and the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.
While at Loyola, Mr. Thomas clerked for Power Rogers He was also a judicial extern for both Chief Justice Thomas R. Fitzgerald of the Illinois Supreme Court and Chief Judge James F. Holderman of the United States District Court, Northern District of Illinois.
Mr. Thomas is an active member of various professional organizations, including the Chicago Bar Association, Illinois Bar Association, Illinois Trial Lawyers Association, American Bar Association, and the American Association for Justice.
Brian LaCien and Jonathan Thomas teamed up with Kreindler & Kreindler LLP of New York, NY to provide representation to a number of individuals who were involved in a commercial airplane crash. The litigation team recovered over $93 Million on behalf of their clients. Notable settlements included a $16,900,000 settlement on behalf of a 36-year-old female who suffered multiple fractures and ultimately required the amputation of her left leg; an $8,000,000 settlement on behalf of a 32-year-old female who suffered numerous cervical and lumbar vertebrae fractures requiring a posterior surgical fusion of C1-C2; a $7,500,000 settlement on behalf of a 54-year-old male who died as a result of the crash; a $5,800,000settlement for a 52-year-old female who suffered multiple vertebrae fractures causing nerve damage and requiring multiple past and future spinal surgeries, pain management, and rehabilitative therapy; and a $3,750,000 settlement for a 49-year-old woman who fractured her Th11 and Th12 vertebrae and required a surgical spinal fusion of the TH11 to L1 vertebrae.
MB/TB and Village of Tinley Park
The Village of Tinley Park Police Department conducted a narcotics sting operation at a local Target parking lot. The officer initiated the sting by pulling his vehicle behind the individual’s parked car and activated his lights. In response to this, the individual pulled his vehicle through an open parking space, striking Plaintiff’s vehicle and then striking Plaintiff, before speeding away. Plaintiff’s son was in the area where the collision took place. Plaintiff alleged that the Tinley Park Police department conducted a narcotics sting operation with minimal planning and then continued with its operation even after learning that their target’s vehicle was the subject of an aggravated vehicular carjacking. Co-counsel with Jonathan M. Thomas.
Power Rogers Attorneys Larry R. Rogers Jr. and Jonathan M. Thomas secured a $10M settlement on behalf of a man who was shot in the back and paralyzed by a Chicago Police Officer in 2012. Prior to the settlement, officers involved in the encounter claimed the Plaintiff had pointed a firearm at an officer, and were honored by the City of Chicago for their heroic efforts. However, an investigation revealed that while the Plaintiff did have a firearm on his person at the time of the incident, there were no fingerprints on the gun, and no bullet chambered.
A $10,000,000.00 settlement was approved by the City Council of the City of Chicago on Wednesday, February 19, 2020 to compensate Plaintiff for the life-altering injuries he sustained as a result of the willful and wanton conduct of the City of Chicago’s Police Department, and specifically the same officers who received awards for their conduct in 2013.
B.C. Individually and as Special Administrator of the Estate of S.C., Deceased v Loyola University Medical Center
Medical Malpractice: 30 year old female presented to Loyola University Medical Center for a scheduled C-section. The delivery proceeded and was uneventful and without complication.
Plaintiff’s obesity, prolonged bed rest, and large fibroid tumor placed her at an increased risk of venous thromboembolism. Despite this increased risk, only SCDs were provided and they were not consistently used during Plaintiff’s time in the hospital. Plaintiff developed a saddle pulmonary embolism, approximately 36 hours after delivery. Plaintiff died leaving a husband and minor daughter. Co-Counsel with Larry Rogers, Jr.
D.T. as Special Administrator of the Estate of C.T., Deceased, v. Ingalls Memorial Hospital; Robert Kaiser, M.D.
Medical Malpractice: 44 year old male presented to the Emergency Room at Ingalls Memorial Hospital complaining of abdominal pain. Plaintiff was placed on routine IV fluids and was admitted to the medical surgical floor with a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis, and possible small bowl obstruction. Defendant doctor recommended that pain medications be increased; CT Scan of the abdomen and pelvis with oral contrast. Plaintiff died the next day as a result of defendants’ failure to aggressively resuscitate Plaintiff with fluids and from the CT scan with contrast further which further compromised Plaintiff’s kidneys. Plaintiff died leaving a minor daughter. Co-Counsel with Larry Rogers, Jr.
S.L. as Special Administrator of M.L., Deceased v. PI&I Motor Express, Inc., and D. Construction, Inc.
Trucking: Plaintiff, 49 year old female, was travelling southbound on Illinois Route 394 near Glenwood Lansing Road. Defendant, a driver for P.I.&I. Motor Express, Inc., was traveling northbound on Illinois Route 394, in a construction zone, when he lost control of his tractor trailer, veered into several sand barrels and a concrete barrier in a construction zone and veered across the left shoulder, into the grassy middle median and into the southbound lanes of traffic where his tractor trailer struck Plaintiff’s vehicle in a head on collision. Plaintiff was fatally injured and died instantly. Plaintiff, a 49 y/o single female, who lived alone, was survived by four adult siblings who live out of state. Co-Counsel with Larry Rogers, Jr.
E.B. and B.B. v. Kraze Trucking, LLC
Trucking: Plaintiff was operating his motorcycle in an eastbound direction, Defendant was operating a semi-tractor and trailer traveling northbound and approaching an intersection. Plaintiff passed through the intersection and was continuing eastbound when Defendant failed to stop at the intersection and turned northbound causing a collision between the two vehicles. Plaintiff was knocked to the ground and rolled under the tractor and part of the trailer. Plaintiff suffered hip, lower back, and cervical injuries. Co-counsel with Joseph A. Power, Jr.
B.S., Individually and as Parent and Next Friend of A.T, a Minor, and B.C. v. Complete Fleet Trailer Repair, Inc.
A motor vehicle accident which resulted in injuries to 3 Plaintiffs. B.S. was driving, A.T, a minor, and B.C. were passengers in her vehicle. Complete Fleet Trailer Repair, Inc.’s driver was traveling in the lane next to plaintiffs. The driver changed lanes to be traveling directly B.S’s vehicle. B.S’ vehicle had stopped, however, Complete Fleet Trailer Repair, Inc.’s driver was unable to hit his brakes prior to the collision with B.S’s vehicle. The driver was traveling approximately 40 miles per hour at the time of the collision. The minor suffered a traumatic brain injury, bilateral skull fracture, and cervical nerve root avulsion. B.C. suffered a traumatic brain injury, had a parietal subgaleal hematoma, and a disc protrusion. Defendants tendered policy limits for the injuries sustained in this action. Co-Counsel with Larry R. Rogers.
C.F. v. Con-Way Freight
Plaintiff was driving his vehicle eastbound on the Northwest Tollway, I-90. Driver of a Con-way, Inc. tractor-trailer, was also travelling eastbound on the Northwest Tollway, I90. The drivers were preceding in stop and go traffic, at which point, Con-Way’s driver disregarded the stopped traffic and caused his vehicle to collide with Plaintiff’s vehicle. Plaintiff suffered multiple injuries including closed head injury with memory loss, physical lacerations, contusions, and fractured bones. Co-Counsel with Larry Rogers, Jr.
C.L. v. Kennyata Hill
Auto: 62 year old was pedestrian who was struck while crossing Stockton Street near the intersection of Wrightwood, in Chicago. Plaintiff had gotten off the bus at the rear door and was crossing the street behind the bus. As he was crossing, he was hit by a vehicle of an uninsured driver. Plaintiff fractured skull in multiple places. Plaintiff pursued uninsured motorist claim. Co-counsel with Joseph A. Power, Jr.