
Understanding Cerebrovascular Accidents

Power Rogers | Oct 8, 2015

Understanding Cerebrovascular Accidents
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Also known as CVA, cerebrovascular accident is a serious medical problem that requires emergency attention. This is something that is more commonly known as a stroke. When this occurs, it means that an artery that leads to the brain has been blocked and is causing a lack of oxygen. This results in brain cells suddenly dying and the body to be impacted immediately.

If an individual suffers from a CVA, they may lose their ability to move voluntarily. They may also have problems with their speech and facial muscles. Oftentimes, the person having the CVA can have issues with their vision, balance, and more. It is important to note that anyone who is having a cerebrovascular accident should be immediately rushed to the hospital or other medical center in order to receive treatment.

Unfortunately, there are many times in which a CVA can be misdiagnosed as something else and the patient may not receive the proper treatment. CVA has numerous “look-alike” symptoms which could make it appear to be a stroke, but it isn’t always the case. If the doctor fails to diagnose this correctly, treatment options may be different than what is actually needed to help with CVA. Virus infection, dehydration, brain tumor, and hematoma are all conditions that can be confused with CVA.

Treatment for a CVA can include anticoagulants. This is used to help with blood clots. Combined with oxygen, this treatment option can help with oxygen flow to the brain. Going too long without the proper treatment can cause significant brain injury.

If you or someone you know was not diagnosed and treated properly after a CVA, it is important to act swiftly to take legal action. By filing a malpractice claim, you can hold the negligent physician accountable for their mistakes and seek the compensation that can help with costly medical bills, rehabilitation expenses, and more. Our team at Power Rogers can help you. Call our Chicago personal injury lawyers today.

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