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The hospital issue that strongly correlated with malpractice

On Behalf of | Nov 22, 2022 | Medical Malpractice

Modern medicine has developed to a point where most people trust that it can help them when they develop a disease or suffer a traumatic injury. Unfortunately, while the technology and treatments used in modern medicine have improved, for-profit hospital practices can diminish the standard of care provided.

There are many hospital administration habits, like prioritizing cost-cutting measures over patient comfort, that can negatively affect the outcome of someone’s treatment. One common hospital issue has a strong association with medical malpractice claims.

Hospital understaffing leads to a host of preventable problems

Having enough staff on hand to deal with patient care needs is the most basic responsibility of a hospital or similar medical facility. Patients are often completely dependent on nurses and other staff members for food, sanitation and medication administration.

When there aren’t enough staff members to handle all of the jobs, the patients are the ones who will suffer. They may illuminate their call signs and weights and lengthy amount of time for help in a personal emergency. They might not receive the hygiene and nutritional support they need, which could have dire consequences for their health.

Staff members who are spread too thin are more likely to overlook warning signs of a patient having an adverse reaction to medication or not responding to treatment. They could make mistakes while administering medication or become distracted due to attempts at multitasking.

Failures of support and decision-making are medical malpractice

Whether an overworked and distracted nurse made a medication error or a doctor rushed through the diagnostic process and sent someone home when they needed emergency treatment, the medical errors that result from understaffing are often actionable malpractice.

Patients provided with improper medical care or those who lose a loved one due to medical mistakes or delayed diagnosis may potentially have grounds for a claim against the professionals involved in the treatment or the facility where the understaffing occurred. Given that some understaffing is the result of a desire to keep costs low and maximize profits, an expensive claim could help a facility change its priorities.

Recognizing the common risk factors for medical malpractice, such as understaffing, can help you fight back against substandard medical care.