
Attorney Power Receives Justice John Paul Stevens Award for 2019

Power Rogers | Oct 18, 2019

Attorney Power Receives Justice John Paul Stevens Award for 2019
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Our team is exceedingly proud to announce that Attorney Joseph A. Power Jr, the Founding Partner at Power Rogers, L.L.P, recently received the Justice John Paul Stevens Award for 2019. This prestigious honor recognizes those attorneys who best exemplify integrity and public service in the legal realm, as Justice Stevens did during his lifetime. Attorney Power, along with the other five recipients, were honored at the 20th Annual Justice John Paul Stevens Award Luncheon on Thursday, October 17th, at The Standard Club.

The Justice John Paul Stevens Award is granted on an annual basis by The Chicago Bar Foundation, The Chicago Bar Association, and Justice Stevens. Justice John Paul Stevens’ former law clerks first established the award in 2000 and honor between two and ten recipients each year.

During his years in practice, Justice Stevens, a Chicago native, showed a steadfast dedication to improving the justice system and the Chicago Bar Association. To honor his efforts, those who follow in his philanthropic footsteps receive recognition via his namesake award.

(Photo Credit Bill Richert Photography)

Attorney Joseph Power has received numerous awards and recognitions for legal excellence since first earning his J.D. in 1977, but he’s also shown an unwavering commitment to the community and his clients. In 2001 he was awarded “Protector of the Working Man” by the Illinois State Crime Commission, and only two years later he was named “Citizen of the Year” by the City Club of Chicago, and received a tribute for Leadership on behalf of social justice and progressive change by US Action and US Action Education Fund. More recently, in 2012, Attorney Power received the Public Justice, Champion of Justice Award, and he currently serves as the President of the Inner Circle of Advocates.

There can be no question that Attorney Power has made a statement of his legal career. With an eye toward justice, he continues to use his experience and skill to fight for the wrongfully injured. Our firm is exceedingly proud of his achievements and we congratulate him on receiving the esteemed Justice John Paul Stevens Award for 2019.

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