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Legal Help for Undiagnosed Internal Bleeding Cases

Legal Help for Undiagnosed Internal Bleeding Cases
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Misdiagnosed Internal Bleeding: You Might Have A Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

When you are experiencing health issues, it is critical to make sure you seek medical attention as soon as possible. When you go to the doctor, you must answer questions honestly. This is a duty you hold to yourself in order to receive the treatment you need. It is the duty of the medical professional, however, to carefully diagnose you as a patient. If this is a standard of care that is not achieved, it could result in injuries.

One of the common issues encountered in malpractice cases is undiagnosed internal bleeding. Our Chicago medical malpractice attorneys know that symptoms of internal bleeding can vary. It is important for medical professionals to recognize the symptoms and the situations in which they occur. If the medical professional believes the patient is exaggerating the pain or do not test properly, this could lead to a situation of failure to diagnose. This is negligence and our team at Power Rogers aims to help victims of malpractice recover compensation for injuries suffered.

Ready to schedule your free consultation? Call 312-210-8411 today.

Understand The Symptoms

By recognizing the symptoms of internal bleeding, you have the chance of seeking medical treatment in a timely manner. A doctor should be able to run the proper procedures to check for internal bleeding and provide the appropriate treatment options.

Internal bleeding will often show symptoms of the following:

  • Blood in the patient’s urine or black stools
  • Blood releasing from nose, ears, mouth, or other orifices
  • Reduced mental function, nausea, dizziness
  • Shock from decreased amounts of blood

There are a number of factors that can cause internal bleeding including trauma to the body, damaged blood vessels, clotting and various medications. If any of this has occurred and you recognize some symptoms that may signify internal bleeding, your immediate action should be to go to the hospital where a professional can properly diagnose you. If you are not diagnosed properly and further injury is the result, this is considered negligence. Internal bleeding during delivery can harm both mother and child; consult our birth injury attorney for support.

Contact Our Firm At 312-210-8411 Today

Protecting the rights of our clients is very important to us. We make it a point to focus on the details of your case, discovering where misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose occurred and who is responsible. We use this information to build a strong case on behalf of injury victims. At Power Rogers, it is our belief that nobody should suffer as a result of a medical professional’s negligence. By seeking compensation, you may be able to recover monetary damages to help cover the related costs and hold the doctor or physician liable for not diagnosing internal bleeding correctly.

To begin your case, call us at 312-210-8411 today.

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